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Tackling climate & nature as one | CDP Europe Awards 2022


Uniting Climate and Nature for Sustainability #ClimateAction #NaturePositivity #Sustainability 🌍🌱

3 Key Takeaways:

  • Nature and climate crises are inseparable; addressing one helps mitigate the other.
  • Global leaders need to integrate nature and climate change in decision-making on an equal footing.
  • Embrace a holistic approach in environmental plans, ensuring nature and climate goals are aligned.

Further Insights:

Nature-Climate Nexus

  • Biodiversity loss and climate change are two sides of the same coin, necessitating collective action. Recognizing their interdependence is crucial for formulating effective policies.

2030: A Crucial Milestone

  • The year 2030 is significant for achieving net nature positivity and addressing climate change. Meeting set targets by this date is vital for preventing irreversible environmental damage.

Glasgow Momentum

  • COP26 in Glasgow highlighted the connection between climate change and biodiversity loss. This event catalyzed momentum for the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework, likened to the Paris Agreement for biodiversity.

Holistic Frameworks

  • National plans should integrate nature and climate action, moving beyond siloed approaches. Redirecting subsidies from fossil fuels to nature-positive outcomes is essential.

Inclusive Engagement

  • Success relies on engaging all stakeholders, including governments, the private sector, and civil society. Lessons from past failures underscore the importance of broad participation in environmental initiatives.

Scientific Underpinning

  • Decisions should be informed by the latest scientific findings. Robust evidence supports collective goals and actions toward biodiversity and nature protection.

Economic Implications

  • The loss of nature threatens significant economic repercussions, highlighting the urgency of achieving a nature-positive state to sustain global GDP and human existence.

Closing Thoughts: The interconnectedness of climate change and biodiversity loss calls for an integrated, ambitious approach to environmental policy. As we move closer to crucial deadlines, how can business executives contribute to a united front against these parallel crises? Engaging with nature and climate as inseparable priorities will be key to sustainable progress. What steps can your organization take today to support this vital integration?