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Southern African Development Bank to Set Up Its First Biodiversity Fund .


#DBSA Launches #BiodiversityFund with Global Ambition Key Takeaways:

  • DBSA's bold move to drive biodiversity investments.
  • Initial seed capital of 50M rand from Green Fund.
  • Aiming for partnership with Global Environment Facility.

Further Insights

  1. Inception: The Development Bank of Southern Africa (DBSA) is establishing its inaugural biodiversity fund, kickstarted with 50 million rand of seed capital from its Green Fund.

  2. Funding Goals: DBSA plans to enhance the fund's capacity by seeking additional financing from the Global Environment Facility and private investors, aiming to address the slow uptake in biodiversity funding.

  3. Strategic Appeal: Issued a white paper to guide investors on integrating biodiversity considerations into their decisions, marking a significant strategic orientation towards biodiversity.

  4. Future Outlook: With an optimistic view towards gaining momentum by year-end, DBSA anticipates wealth and global environment funds to recognize the critical importance of biodiversity investments.

Closing Thoughts: As the DBSA steers the conversation towards biodiversity, it beckons us to consider: how can other institutions follow suit in making biodiversity a cornerstone of their investment strategies?