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NOAA, CDC Launch HeatRisk, a Tool to Forecast Dangerous Heat .


HeatRisk: #NOAA & #CDC's New #HeatWave Tool Key Takeaways:

  • HeatRisk combines temperature forecasts with health data for a 7-day US heat risk map.
  • Designed to address increasing intensity, frequency, and duration of heat waves due to climate change.
  • Empowers communities, schools, and emergency services with critical heat-related health risk insights.

Further Insights

  1. Introduction: HeatRisk, developed by NOAA and CDC, forecasts potential health impacts of high temperatures across the US.

  2. Key Features: Uses an experimental color-numeric index to map heat risks up to 7 days in advance, highlighting unusual heat levels and their duration.

  3. Community Impact: Has been aiding hazard-mitigation planning and informing decisions about outdoor activities in some states since 2014.

  4. Health Risks: The tool is crucial in preventing heat-related illnesses, which led to over 120,000 ER visits in the US last year.

  5. User Base: Targets a wide user base, including schools, emergency services, and individuals, especially those vulnerable to heat.

Closing Thoughts: With climate change escalating heat wave dangers, how can tools like HeatRisk further evolve to safeguard public health?