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Has China reached peak emissions?


China's Emission Peak? #China #ClimateChange #CarbonBrief Key Takeaways:

  • China's CO2 emissions rose to 12.6bn tonnes in 2023.
  • First emissions decline in 14 months observed in March.
  • Preliminary data indicates continued fall in China's emissions.

Further Insights

  1. Emission Surge: Post-COVID recovery led to a 4.7% increase in China's carbon-dioxide emissions, reaching a record 12.6bn tonnes.

  2. Recent Decline: March saw a 3% year-on-year drop in emissions, marking the first decline after consistent increases for over a year.

  3. Continued Drop: Preliminary data suggests emissions also fell in April, indicating a potential trend.

Closing Thoughts: As China's emissions possibly hit their peak, what models or strategies can other nations adopt from this scenario for their climate action plans?