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2023 was the hottest year ever


2023: Record Heat #Copernicus #ClimateChange #ElNiño Key Takeaways:

  • Last year, the globe hit its highest recorded temperature.
  • Human emissions main culprit, with El Niño's amplification.
  • Next year may be even hotter due to El Niño.

Further Insights

  1. Global Warming: 2023 set a new global temperature record at 1.48°C above pre-industrial levels.

  2. Human Impact: Human greenhouse-gas emissions are identified as the primary cause for the increase in global temperatures.

  3. El Niño Effect: The warming effect was further amplified by El Niño, a natural climate phenomenon, suggesting a potential trend.

Closing Thoughts: With the evident impact of El Niño and human emissions on global warming, what strategies should businesses adopt to mitigate their environmental footprint?